Monday, July 6, 2009

Technology in Education

Technology in Education, like it or not it is here. Technology is going to allow many new ways of education to take place within schools. Our Children will be opened to new educational experience that just were not possible just a few years ago. Technology is going to be a great tool in education, with emphasis on tool. While I believe that technology is going to be good, it is like anything it must be used in conjunction with other ways of education, not as the only way of education. There is something to said for the education that our grandparents and parents got without all the gadgets we have today. For Example my grandfather was an engineer and he was able to do all the math he needed with a pen and paper because of the education he got and that was the extent of the technology of his day. This not to say that my grandfather would not have appreciated a computer to aid him in the calculations, but he would not have been out in the cold if the computer crashed. So while I think it will be a good experience for our kids to have technology in the classroom it is just important to tech them not to be solely dependent on it. Technology is meant to enhance education.

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