Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My History

What do I bring to the table as a Teacher? Well starting after High School my education in the University of Life began at the School of Hard Knocks. Not that my high school education did not give me a foundation that my later education was built on, but my high school experience was nothing special. It was my life after high school that shaped me into the man I am today. My first life experience came from the job I had working alongside and under the guide of my Father working on overhead cranes. This was a promising career for me, after all it was the career my Father had raised his family on, I could have rode my dad's coat tails into the business and built my career on my name. This was not the career that I wanted and so this was my first lesson in life: don't settle for a job you won't be happy at. I then went to work for the Correction Department in Texas, A steppingstone job for what I thought I wanted to do, Law Enforcement. This lasted only nine months before I decided to tackle my goal via another route, I joined the Navy. I stilled planned to make law enforcement a career and felt the military was a better road to take. Alas my next life lesson is learned, always make a plan but don't be disappointed if it does not work out, remain flexible. While serving in the Navy my plans for law enforcement were abandoned and it seemed as though I was going to be career military. This course was to changed but not by my doing, I was injured and no longer fit for military service. Again that lesson of flexibility came into play. My next move was unclear, I no longer was qualified for military service and thus no longer qualified for law enforcement and left with out much else. Then while qualifying for my veterans benefits my calling of being a teacher was layed before me. I will teach for a living, pass along knowledge to our youth.

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